Rotten daylight savings!!!
Queenslanders routinely have the argument about whether we should go to daylight savings during summer or not. Personally, I think it's a huge inconvenience and I don't see why we should bother going through the trauma of it. OK, people like to be able to go walking outside late after work etc, blah blah blah. But other people, namely mothers, have to go through the trauma of either a) altering their baby's sleep, feed and nap routines or b) altering their entire life to fit around their baby's old routines redubbed into a new schedule.
I'm sure some mums just jolt their kids into the new time frames with reckless abandon,... and I probably would too if I were working and needed to fit in with the rest of the planet. But the reality is that your kids do have a say in this and Grace is still functioning on Queensland time ie. an hour behind New South Wales time. This means that we win a sleep-in in the mornings and we lose our washing up time in the evenings.
When visiting family and friends here in Kyogle, I have to keep reminding myself what timeframe I'm working on. How annoying.
Vote no to daylight savings. It's a pain in the proverbial. And while you're at it, campaign the government to get the eastern states into alignment with their time zones.
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