It's On!

Well today is the start of our "real" adventure - after 2 weeks or so with our families (which has been awesome incidentally), it's time to get out and on the road. Although we're both really tired, it's great to be finally underway on this adventure!
We're in Kyogle (Anna's hometown) for the next 10 days or so. I am horribly behind in my studies and need to do a month's work in the next 4 days to make sure I don't miss my submission deadline. Fun fun fun - that takes care of what I should do for the next few days anyhow :-) We chose to come here since we have a few good friends here, and Anna's Nan is really sick and frail - we want to spend some time with her and hopefully make her feel a little better. Give her a bit of Grace-time.
Our site is nice and shady but a little muddy away from the concrete slab - we got the choice of shady but no grass, or sunny with grass (easy choice). It's been raining here, so the lack of grass tends to make the ground a sodden mess in places. Might be interesting trying to keep the place clean for an extended time, but seems manageable for the moment.
The trip here from Brisbane was fine, but I must say the Mount Lindsay Highway is somewhat akin to a goat track in places (and strangely beautifully maintained in others). No problems with the car this time (went like a dream - whew) and the annex went up this time without a hitch. I worked out many things I did wrong last time, and it's so much better this time round - it looks like it did when the awning guy put it up. Hooray!
The plan is to head out to Iluka at the end of our time here. I want to catch me a fish...
good story. HAVE LOTS OF FUN!!!!
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