On The Road...
Well the last few days have been some of the most hectic in living memory for us,it has to be said. Our house went unconditional on Monday, which is fortuitous, since we were moving out on Tuesday whetehr it went through or not!
We have spent the last while madly packing all our gear up into boxes, moving it to my brother's place (for storage in a spanking new shed), and cleaning up our old house. This sounds easy but has proved to be anything but... We have been helped unbelievably by our families (you guys rock!). They have been awesome. There is no way we would be anywhere near finished without them..
Today we handed the keys over to the real estate agent, so we are officially homeless now, and it feels great :) We have spent the last couple of nights in the caravan in my brother's front yard, and leave at 3am tomorrow for a week at Yeppoon.
Sorry for the brief entry but I am very tired, and need to get up early to drive. More soon.
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