Friday, February 02, 2007


I forgot to mention - those kangaroos I mentioned in an earlier entry appear to be locals, or at least regular visitors - we have seen them at least once every day, lazily hopping round the park, eating a bit of grass, or having a sleep. I managed to get some pictures this time as well.

About 10 minutes ago, I was wandering back to the caravan, having just had a nice hot shower in the amenities block. I walked back to the van as I normally do, along the side of the road, absentmindedly thinking about life, the universe, and everything (as you do). All of a sudden, in the darkness ahead of me, this big THING materialises from the shadows, all of about 2 feet in front of me, and slightly to my left. My mind was decidedly elsewhere, and having something reasonably large appear so suddenly in front of me, to be frank, scared the absolute crap out of me. I made one of those cartoon-esque "Nnnnnggyyaahhhh" sounds as I jumped backwards instinctively, just in time to see one of the abovementioned kangaroos hop away towards its mate, who was similarly laying down in the darkness, about 10 feet further away. Talk about giving a guy a heart attack!

I'm not sure if they were laying in wait, just waiting for some mug (me) to come along so they could scare them, or if I was the one interrupting them. They're probably off with their mates right now, sitting round the campfire, swapping stories. "Did you see the look on that fat guy's face when you stood up Bazza? Classic...".


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