Cooking with gas...
Just a quick note to say we signed another contract on the house yesterday - and we think this one might stick! Party - Bonus. Now we're cooking with gas...
The buyers seem to have a clue this time, and have got pre-approval for finance (good plan) and have also seen the last building and pest report that the first-contract morons got done (also good plan). Assuming nothing TOTALLY left-field happens, we should be good to go this time.
They also agreed to settle before Christmas, which is what we were aiming for. It's all looking good.
Anyhow, we're heading to Yeppoon on the 15th of December for a week, then coming back to Brisbane for Christmas. We reckon we need to be moving gear on about the 12th, to ensure we have enough time to clean up the place beore handing the keys over prior to leaving. 2 weeks and we'll be out of here! (a bit less actually). Truly scary.
On another note, we went and took another look at our caravan on Monday - they ran through how to use everything, and we're more convinced than ever that it's a great little van, can't wait to get it on the road. They were kindly enough to offer to make up a bit of plyboard with legs mounted on it, so that the cot we'll sleep Grace in is nice and stable in the dining secton of the caravan. Very schmick, and rather excellent service from the caravan people. Not often you get service like that these days! (how old does THAT sentence make me look).
We pick the van up on the 6th of December, Annex get measured up on the 7th, delivered on the 13th, and we're outta here on the 15th. Gotta love that timing and big margins for error (!!). She'll be right mate.