Monday, October 23, 2006

Making the decision sell up and go

As with all life changing events, they start with a seed of an idea. I can still remember making the suggestion that we go caravanning,... It was about half way down a logical train of thought that went something like this:-

We can't afford the house and car repayments, why don't we refinance? We've refinanced every second year for the past seven or eight years. Why not just sell and get out of debt? It would also save us bucket loads of stress and loads of money each year in rates. It would also mean we could pay off the car. We realised that if we sold our house we'd be out of debt and a lot better off in the short term,... There would even be a bit left over to do something intelligent with.

Scott, feeling like he had reached a crossroads in his life, was considering retraining. He was looking into doing a course by correspondence. Studying by correspondence is the same done in a Brisbane library, or on a beach side town like Yeppoon. If you're studying, why not do it by the sea with a line in??? The sense of relaxation can only enhance your ability to think clearly, absorb new concepts and make convincing arguments.

As for my day job, motherhood is also a portable occupation,... particularly when you have a one-year old with a penchant for exploring.

It was about this point in proceedings that I threw in a suggestion that we go caravanning. Travelling around in a motorhome had long been a fantasy of mine,... one I often entertain when I'm feeling romantic about discovering Australia. The fantasy had been modified, for practical reasons, to a caravan. This is so you don't have to pack up your site when you want to go for a drive to the local shops or see the sites. It's more sensible than a motorhome. This is a fantasy that I'd much rather do now, than in 30 years when my joints are too rusty to enjoy it.

The suggestion was thrown into the air like a tiny little mustard seed and it landed in fertile soil. It has taken root and is giving us a great sense of excitement as it grows. I don't think our friends and family really thought we'd do this.


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